Job Central

Job Central helps people who have become unhoused or who are struggling to meet basic needs strengthen job readiness skills, find living-wage jobs with opportunities to advance, and develop skills for independent living. We work with people experiencing homelessness, people experiencing domestic violence, individuals referred by other social service organizations, and youth and college students participating in Lifting Up Westchester programs.

The individuals we serve often come to us at the worst moment of their lives.

When one challenge after another has chipped away at the foundation of who they are, LUW provides the support people need to repair that foundation and restore their well-being.

Job Central is a unique in the region compared to traditional workforce programs. It is a dedicated space in White Plains that provides:

  • Employment Coaching

    Employment/vocational coaching to teach clients the skills needed to find employment and assistance to help them facilitate all aspects of the job, provide them interview/work clothing, and ongoing case management to ensure they retain employment.

  • Technology Access

    Access to laptops to prepare and print resumes, apply for jobs, and private space to interview online.

  • Professional Development & Advancement Skills

    Coaching on work etiquette, listening, problem-solving, conflict resolution, etc. helps to retain and advance employment.

  • Job Skills Training

    Employment Specialists will develop industry partnerships and coordinate training to prepare clients for entry level and higher-paying fields.

  • Apprenticeships & Internships

    Partnerships with local companies and organizations for apprenticeship opportunities, which will help participants enter new fields.

All participants benefit from the wrap-around supports from Lifting Up Westchester's other programs (e.g., food through our Grace’s Community Kitchen and the new Community Center, and Housing Success support and Life Skills services). Together, these services equip participants to change their lives - permanently.

Calling all Employers!

If you are interested in working with our clients, click here to see how we can become partners.