For Employers
Job Central provides a variety of soft and hard skill employment readiness and search services and support to people who want to work.
We understand that finding the “right match” often requires time, money, and often stress to screen and fill your company’s open positions and retain employees. Job Central’s goal is to position our employment services as an added resource in streamlining your hiring needs to meet your business objectives.
We are also looking for internships for high school students and work-study and summer internship opportunities for LUW students attending college.
We are seeking employment opportunities for Lifting Up Westchester clients.
Please fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.
Employee Background
We offer a pool of prescreened, entry-level as well as qualified candidates with proven experience and interest in various fields including but not limited to Social Services, Healthcare, Office Administration, Office Management, Accounting and Bookkeeping, IT, Customer Service, Retail, Data Entry, Environmental Services, Drivers, Maintenance, Security, Construction, Food Service, Warehouse, and more!
Various job readiness workshops geared toward re-educating job seekers concerning employer expectations, job requirements, and contributing to a positive and productive work environment. Some of our topics of discussion are:
Dressing for Success
Financial Planning
Vocational Skills & Career Skills Assessments
Interpersonal Skills/Soft Skills Development
Meeting & Exceeding Employer Expectations
Increasing Your Organization/Team Value
Basic Computing (Completing Job Applications)
Conflict Resolution
Exemplary Customer Service
LUW Retention Services assist our job seekers and your potential employees with supportive services that reduce and/or eliminate obstacles that can cause unwanted callouts or challenges to meeting your productivity goals, such as:
Assisting our job seekers with dress attire
Providing Metro Cards for commuting for your LUW New Hires
Assisting your New Hires with timely and accurate completion of onboarding documentation
First week, second week, and one month contact calls to Your LUW employee(s), providing additional support maintaining dependability, and reducing or eliminating potential challenges before they occur.
Benefits to Our Employer Partners
Many of our job seekers undergo an initial assessment, and while receiving our services, allow our staff the opportunity to get to ascertain their skills, work experience, career goals as well as interpersonal skills, giving us the added benefit of matching our job seekers to your position requirements, company culture, and expectations, making your job easier.
LUW is supported and funded by state and local government, business partnerships, and various contributions that empower LUW in making a measurable difference in enhancing employment services and effectively reducing the effort it takes in securing qualified candidates that meet your hiring needs, helping to ensure their quest in achieving greater independence and self-sufficiency.
Federal Tax Credit for Employers Hiring Individuals from Targeted Groups (e.g., qualified veterans, ex-offenders, and more).
Whether returning from active duty, disabled veterans with disabilities, or veterans living in our supportive housing environments, we strive to assist veterans with navigating and overcoming challenges often faced when seeking employment, financial stability, and overall well-being.
Through our Job Central, LUW is committed to working closely with our employer partners. The negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic pose significant challenges to many local businesses throughout Westchester County. Our goal is to continue developing and fostering key business relationships designed to Lift Up Westchester’s communities and area businesses.
At LUW, we understand these challenges and will continue to foster mutually beneficial business relationships. As we work together towards overcoming the pandemic, let us be an additional resource for your business in connecting with quality candidates, that can make a positive and measurable difference. We value your continuing support.